101 Dalmatians (Disney 101 Dalmatians) (Step into Reading)

101 Dalmatians (Disney 101 Dalmatians) (Step into Reading)

B. inggris 16.What is the goal of the text Above?
a.Telling customers how to buy clothes in department store
b.Helping the salesmen sell clothes in department store
c.Giving tips of how to buy quality goods in department store
d.Sharing tips of how to get cheap clothes in department store

17. Department store sells clothes in fixed prince,it means...
a.The customer can propose a discount
b.The prince is open for bargain
c.The good is not subject to bargaining
d.The prince could be changed on both sides agreement

16.What is the goal of the text Above?
a.Telling customers how to buy clothes in department store
b.Helping the salesmen sell clothes in department store
c.Giving tips of how to buy quality goods in department store
d.Sharing tips of how to get cheap clothes in department store

17. Department store sells clothes in fixed prince,it means...
a.The customer can propose a discount
b.The prince is open for bargain
c.The good is not subject to bargaining
d.The prince could be changed on both sides agreement


16. A

17. C


Fixed price --> harga tetap, tidak bisa ditawar.

  • the customer can propose a discount --> pelanggan bisa meminta diskon
  • the price is open for bargain --> harga bisa ditawar
  • the good is not subject to bargaining --> barang tidak bisa ditawar
  • the price could be changed on both sides agreement --> harga bisa diubah berdasarkan kesepakatan kedua belah pihak





16.B helping the salesman seell close in the department store

17.A the customer can propose a discount
